Been practicing Chi-Running for all three runs this week; nice and easy
1. Nice and easy 35 mins on the treadmill to keep things steady while i tried it solo for the first time
2. 6kms with the Warriors, slow but a few hills
3. Intervals including aggressive hill running
All up I am really getting the hang of it. I notice my breathing has improved too and during intervals i could feel the speed that is possible...much faster than I was before on the 400 and 200 sprints..very promising.
On the negative side, while all my right leg abductor and groin sprain has completely gone i have noticed a slight pain in my old ankle tendon injury, but it was easily stretched out. Im pretty sure this is part of the transition to 'leaning' and i need to be real careful i dont push the transition hard too early....I may even wear my trusty ankle support on this weekends long run just in case...I still have to perfect the slight one-two inch lean and am probably leaning too far..also I still nee to work on floppy relaxed lower legs..
So....some mixed results but in the long term I am optimistic...over the next few months, if Im careful and bring my old ankle injury with me via stretching and strengthening i can really see a future with fewer strains and eventually even lighter shoes and speed....slowly but surely seem to be the key.
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