I have realised over this time that all the lighter weight running shoes i have tried have done nothing for me except aggravate niggles and make me very sore..Ive run in Brooks Beast for the past 3 weeks and its been heaven....Ill never go back, for the first time is a very long time my legs are clear of all problems
Im feeling pretty strong, especially after Wednesdays hilly PB over 10kms and a strong very hilly trail run this morning.....smashed it up Berowra Road from the ferry...(which means close to back with Berowra Bush Runners!)
Flu has been close but as yet holding off....Ill be praying this continues....trying not to think fluey thoughts! Havent had a cold in 2 and half years, thanks I reckon to running..
This week will do one more ten km and stick to gym work...no real time plans for the half...Id love a 1hr55minute..a PB..lets see..
Time for a classic
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