There are many ways to get over a run your not happy with....forgetting about, learning from it, being philosophical, training harder, contextualise it re; the conditions..Im afraid today. however, I included Schadenfreude among my strategies...
At today run the group were comparing their marathon times and experiences and i noticed one of best runners DNF'd due to the heat....he's a a bloody machine who runs ridiculous KM's (like training runs of 70kmsplus) but even he can have a bad day..I was impressed with how nonchalant he was about it, he didnt seem to really mind all that much so I might as well try the same attitude....
.......that finally lays to rest my worrying and helped me think that the best response to a bad race is just to accept that it happens every now and then and move on to the next one....
...so now thanks to the misfortune of others i move on to the next challenge....I tried some of the mental strategies I had been thinking thru on todays run too..a massive 5kms downhill then 5 kms uphill..steep......when the negative thoughts came on the way up I cast them aside and changed them to positive ('stay steady", " youve done worse", "your strong", ect...).I generally hate affirmations and see them as corny but they worked well and quickly
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