Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Im Slower and I Dont Care

Thanks to my newish Garmin I just been looking at my times over the past few months and I am quite abit slower than this time last year, having dropped from a max of 5.1mins/km to about 5.5, over our regular ten km course...if Id known this would happen last year I would have been mortified as times were everything but one year on i really dont mind at all....

One reason is that I have managed to run consistently four times a week since then with only 2 weeks out from injury..Im pretty proud of this, the numbers in the Warriors have dwindled quite abit over the past six months, perhaps due to our obsession with getting faster

...sustainability seems more important than speed at the moment...having said that I am still fretting about how my ankle will hold out as distances increase on our way to our first marathon in 12 weeks time...maybe Ill eat my words but I am being super careful to strap and stretch, keep my posture in place, etc...lets see.....

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