The last 2 months has been the final nail in the coffin for my overpronation and constant strains with chi-running finally predicted by Coach JR it has meant an improvement in my 10km is down to about 52, even on a hilly course which for me is great....our regular Quarry run has also witnessed many PB's, including on the extended 17km version...very happy with's a pic of the Warriors on the day
As far as races go Ive only been in a few 10ks and the recent SMH Half marathon this weekend..went out like the clappers and then fell arse over tit on a curb at 3kms, blood, graises, watch banged up, 10 min in the First Aide tent!
Anyway, pretty proud that I finished despite an arm that was ballooning abit and feeling pretty ordinary....
Plans for the future are Jabulani 23km trail and a few other marathons this year but Coastrek50, my first ultra, early 2013..
see ya!
Great site and I love the Nietzsche comment at the side. Your main picture also sums up so well the solitary effort of the dedicated runner. Well done. I have a running blog over at if you're interested. Will be posting lots more very soon as I'm training for my second marathon. Thanks, Stephen
ReplyDeleteI really love to run and compare to you, I am just an amateur. You are an inspiration and I really enjoy all the posts especially when you tell us about the events you've been through. Running is really healthy and fun. Hope that we all remain to have injury free running in the future.
ReplyDeleteThe Jabulani trail is awesome, good luck with it!